Drug Rehab Admission Process

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How to Get Admission to NuView Treatment Center for Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Our admissions process is simple and hassle-free, so you can focus on getting the personalized help you need to overcome substance use disorders and start living a fulfilling life.

Step 1

Contact Us

Take the first step of your recovery journey by reaching out to us. You can do this by calling us at (323) 307-7997 or filling out our online form. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is available 24/7 to answer any of your questions and to guide you through admissions.

(323) 307-7997
Step 2

Assessment (Pre- Screening)

After contacting us, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment to determine the appropriate level of care you need. It will include your physical, mental, and emotional health evaluation and substance use history.

To ensure we can assist you effectively, please have the following information ready to provide to our admissions staff:

  • Current substance abuse or mental health issues
  • Substance abuse history
  • Mental health history
  • Treatment history
  • Medical history
  • Insurance information
Step 3

Insurance Coverage Verification

We understand that the cost of behavioral health treatment can be a concern. That’s why we offer insurance verification services to help you determine your coverage options. Our staff will work with your insurance company to verify your coverage and ensure that you receive the maximum benefits available to you. If you don’t have insurance, don’t worry – we offer affordable self-pay options to help you get the care you need.

Verify Your Insurance

Step 4

Treatment Plan

Based on your assessment results, our experienced treatment providers will work with you to create a personalized treatment for your unique needs. It may include inpatient or outpatient treatment, therapy, and medication-assisted treatment if necessary.

Step 5


Once you accept your treatment plan, our team will help you through admission. We will ensure that you are medically stable and ready to begin treatment. Our goal is to make this process as smooth and stress-free as possible so that you can focus on your recovery.

We understand that seeking behavioral health treatment can be overwhelming and scary. But we want you to know that you are not alone. We are here to provide you with the support, guidance, and tools to overcome behavioral health and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

Contact us today by calling (323) 307-7997 or contact us here to begin your journey toward recovery.

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Verify Your Insurance

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At NuView, we understand the sensitive nature of the behavioral health treatment process, which is why we’re available to help make the process feel as safe and comfortable as possible.

Welcome to NuView Treatment Center

We are here to help you overcome drug and alcohol addiction.

  • We offer effective drug and alcohol rehab treatment programs.
  • Count on our experienced and dedicated staff to support your successful recovery journey.
  • Our treatment services can provide emotional support and help you avoid relapse.
Contact us now by calling (323) 307-7997 or contact us here to begin your journey toward recovery.

NuView Treatment Center is Fully Accredited and Trusted By

Get Started on Your Recovery Journey: Verify Your Insurance Coverage

Getting help for your behavioral health shouldn’t be limited by your financial situation. That’s why we accept most private insurance policies to make our personalized treatment programs accessible to as many people as possible.

We work with major insurance providers, and we assist in verifying your insurance coverage.

Our dedicated staff members are here to guide you through the process and help you understand your insurance benefits, including coverage for inpatient and outpatient treatment, family therapy, and more.

Don’t let insurance concerns hold you back from beginning your journey to a healthier, happier life. Fill out the insurance verification form to start the verification process and take the first step toward a brighter future.


NuView Admission Process:
What to Expect and How to Get Started

At NuView, we understand that behavioral health issues can significantly impact not just the individual struggling with substance use but also their loved ones. That’s why we’ve created resources to help guide family members and friends through the admissions process and beyond. Here’s what you can expect:

You are incredibly brave for taking the first step towards seeking help for addiction.
It may feel overwhelming, but this decision can be life-changing.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, don’t wait any longer to call us for help. You don’t have to go through this alone. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs and how we can help you reduce the risk of relapse and achieve lasting recovery. We accept most insurance providers and ensure you receive the best care possible. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier future. Contact us today by calling (323) 307-7997 or contact us here to start your journey toward a healthier life.

FAQs About How to Get Into Rehab

What is a Rehab Center?

A rehab center is a facility that provides treatment and support for people struggling with addiction, mental health conditions, and other related issues.

What is the Difference Between Outpatient and Inpatient Treatment?

Outpatient treatment allows patients to attend therapy and other treatments while living at home, while inpatient treatment requires patients to stay at the facility for a certain amount of time to receive around-the-clock care.

What is Alcohol Rehab?

Alcohol rehab is a treatment that focuses on helping individuals overcome alcohol use disorder and other related issues.

What Types of Programs Do You Offer?

We offer a variety of programs, including outpatient rehab, inpatient programs, PHP programs, and group counseling.

What Conditions Do You Treat?

We treat several conditions, including substance use disorders, alcohol use disorders, psychiatric conditions, and medical conditions.

Will Insurance Cover the Cost of Treatment?

Many insurance providers offer coverage for rehab and other related services. We can work with your insurance company to determine what is covered.

What Services Do You Provide?

We provide several services, including therapy, counseling, medication management, and other treatments to support your recovery.

What Kind of Staff Do You Have?

Our staff includes licensed therapists, counselors, and other professionals with extensive experience in addiction medicine and related fields.

How Do I Know if I, or a Loved One Needs Rehab?

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or related issues, it may be time to consider seeking help. We encourage you to reach out to our team to discuss your options and determine if rehab is right for you.

Our Outpatient Rehab

Our outpatient rehab program offers flexible treatment options for those who need help overcoming addiction. With outpatient treatment, you can receive the care you need while still being able to live your daily life. Our outpatient program includes group counseling, individual therapy, and relapse prevention strategies.


About Us

At NuView Treatment Center, our mission is to support individuals in their journey toward recovery from addiction. We have a team of highly skilled and compassionate staff who are dedicated to providing individualized care to every patient. Our approach is based on evidence-based practices to ensure the highest quality of care and the best possible outcomes for our patients.


What We Treat

We treat several substance use disorders, including alcohol use disorder, opioid addiction, and more. We also offer treatment for co-occurring mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Our team of experts works with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs.


Programs We Offer

We offer a range of programs to meet the needs of each of our patients. Our inpatient program provides 24/7 care and support, while our outpatient program allows patients to receive treatment while still living at home. We also offer partial hospitalization programs (PHP) for those who need more intensive care, as well as group counseling and individual therapy. Our programs are designed to reduce the risk of relapse and help patients on their journey toward lifelong recovery.
