Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing

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Are you ready to make a lasting change in your life but don't know where to start?

Welcome to the transformative world of Motivational Interviewing.

This unique, evidence-based method is all about empowering you to overcome substance abuse or mental health issues by tapping into your inherent motivation to change.

Say goodbye to feeling stuck, and embrace the strength within you. Let's begin this journey toward a healthier, brighter future together.

What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational Interviewing (MI) Objectives & Steps

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling method that helps people resolve their uncertainty about change. The MI method is unique because it doesn't force change but encourages it.

It works by talking with people in a supportive way and helping them see the negative consequences of their current behavior. The goal is to increase their motivation to change.

Here are the main objectives and steps in the process.

  • Engaging: This is the first step where a relationship is established with the individual. It involves building trust and creating a safe and respectful environment.

  • Focusing: The second step is to identify and discuss a specific area for change. It might be substance misuse, mental health issues, or other behaviors that are causing negative consequences.

  • Evoking: The third step involves encouraging the individual to think about their future goals and how current behavior may not align with these goals. This helps to develop discrepancy and enhance motivation for change.

  • Planning: The fourth step involves working with the individual to develop an action plan for change. It's important to support self-efficacy, which means building the individual's confidence in their ability to make the desired change.

The use of motivational interviewing techniques throughout these steps, such as open-ended questions and reflective listening, plus engaging and encouraging the individual in their own recovery process.

Principles of Motivational Interviewing (MI)

The basic principles of motivational interviewing include expressing empathy, developing discrepancy, rolling with resistance, and supporting self-efficacy. These principles guide how health professionals use MI to help clients improve their lives.

Core Elements and Principles of Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is grounded in 4 essential principles that guide the conversation and interaction with the client. These principles create the foundation for promoting change.

Let's explore each of them in greater detail.

Express Empathy

Expressing empathy is the cornerstone of the motivational interviewing approach. Empathy in MI is not just about understanding the client's feelings but also conveying this understanding.

Practitioners use reflective listening, a technique where they echo the client's thoughts and feelings, to demonstrate empathy.

This practice helps clients feel heard and understood, fostering a safe space for discussing sensitive issues like substance abuse, mental health disorders, or addiction treatment.

Empathy helps to build a strong therapeutic alliance, which research indicates is a critical factor in successful outcomes.

Develop Discrepancy

The second principle, developing discrepancy, involves helping the client see the gap between their current behavior and future goals. If their current substance use is inconsistent with their desire to lead a healthier life, for instance, a practitioner would help them recognize this inconsistency.

The discomfort of this recognition, known as cognitive dissonance, often enhances motivation for change.

For example, the client might start seeking treatment when they realize that their drug use is standing in the way of their future goals.

The goal is to spark internal motivation for change rather than imposing change externally.

Roll With Resistance

Resistance is a common response when individuals confront the need for change, especially when dealing with issues like substance misuse or mental illness.

Rather than meeting resistance with confrontation, MI proposes to "roll with resistance." Practitioners accept and explore the client's resistance rather than opposing it.

They might use open-ended questions to explore the client's concerns and understand the reasons behind their resistance. This non-confrontational approach reduces client defensiveness and promotes a more open, honest dialogue about the possible negative consequences of their behavior.

Support Self-Efficacy

The final principle, supporting self-efficacy, is about promoting the client's belief in their ability to make changes. A key part of this is affirming the client's strengths and past successes. Motivational interviewing isn't just about identifying the problem (like alcohol addiction or drug abuse) but also about empowering the client to see that they have the resources and capability to overcome these issues.

It's about helping them see their own recovery as a possibility.

These principles of motivational interviewing work together in a fluid and dynamic process.

The goal is not to lead the client to predetermined conclusions but to guide the client on a journey of self-discovery and self-motivation. The practitioner's role is to facilitate this journey with empathy, respect, and optimism about the possibility of change.

Types of Motivational Interviewing Techniques

The effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing (MI) relies on its unique set of techniques. These techniques align with the overall principles of MI, focusing on client engagement and empowerment.

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions play a vital role in motivational interviewing. These questions require more than a simple "yes" or "no" response and encourage clients to delve deeper into their experiences, beliefs, and feelings.

For instance, instead of asking, "Do you believe you can stop using substances?" (a closed question that can be answered with a 'yes' or 'no'), a practitioner may ask, "What makes you feel confident or uncertain about changing your substance use habits?" This approach encourages more detailed responses, providing insights into clients' internal motivations and potential obstacles to change.


Affirmations are another essential motivational interviewing technique. These are positive statements recognizing a person's strengths, efforts, and achievements.

By acknowledging a client's progress, no matter how small, affirmations foster self-efficacy, boost self-esteem, and reinforce positive behavior change.

For example, a practitioner might say, "I appreciate the courage it took for you to share your story. It shows your commitment to change."

Reflective Listening

Reflective listening is a technique where the practitioner repeats back or paraphrases what the client has said, confirming that they understand the client's perspective.

This validation demonstrates empathy and respect for the client's feelings and experiences, which can strengthen the therapeutic alliance and facilitate honest dialogue about substance use disorders or other issues being addressed.


Summaries serve as brief recaps of the discussion. They're used to consolidate key points, clarify misunderstandings, and highlight areas of progress or concern.

Summaries can also act as a springboard to further discussion or to transition to a new topic. For example, after discussing the client's struggles with alcohol use, a practitioner might summarize the conversation before transitioning to potential strategies for change.

Additional Techniques

Beyond these, motivational interviewing incorporates several other techniques designed to enhance motivation and support change. These include:

  • Exploring Pros and Cons: This technique involves discussing the advantages and disadvantages of change and the status quo. This can help clients understand the potential benefits of change and the potential negative consequences of maintaining current behaviors.

  • Asking about the Ideal Future: Asking clients to describe their ideal future can reveal their goals and aspirations, which can be used to highlight discrepancies between their current behavior (such as ongoing substance use) and their desired outcomes.

  • Discussing Ambivalence: This involves acknowledging and exploring the client's mixed feelings about change. Addressing ambivalence directly can help clients resolve their internal conflicts and move closer to a decision about change.

These techniques are applied in a flexible, client-centered manner, adapting to the client's needs and responses throughout the conversation. The ultimate goal is to build a supportive environment that enhances the client's motivation and commitment to change.

If you or a loved one could benefit from our compassionate and adaptive approach, we invite you to take the next step. Call us today at (323) 307-7997 or send us a message from our contact page to schedule your consultation. Let's work together towards the goal of positive change.

How the Intervention Might Work: Process and Mechanisms

Building Rapport and Therapeutic Alliance

The success of Motivational Interviewing (MI) heavily rests on the establishment of a strong therapeutic alliance between the healthcare provider and the client.

This involves creating a non-judgmental and empathetic environment where the client feels safe and validated, promoting open and honest conversations about sensitive topics like substance abuse or mental health disorders.

Through reflective listening and affirmations, providers demonstrate their understanding and respect for the client's perspectives, fostering trust and cooperation. This rapport forms the bedrock upon which the rest of the MI process is built.

Exploring and Resolving Ambivalence

A key characteristic of individuals with substance use disorders or those struggling with behavioral change is ambivalence – a state of having simultaneous conflicting feelings towards change.

MI techniques aid clients in articulating these mixed feelings, exploring both the pros and cons of their current behaviors and potential changes.

By directly acknowledging and addressing ambivalence, clients are empowered to explore their resistance to change, fostering a better understanding of their personal barriers and facilitators to change. This process can result in an increased internal motivation for change.

Eliciting Change Talk and Enhancing Motivation

One of the core principles of MI is to encourage 'change talk,' that is, statements that express a desire, ability, reason, or need to change. By using open-ended questions and reflective listening, healthcare providers can draw out change talk from clients.

The presence of change talk is often a good indicator of a person's readiness for change and can serve as a catalyst for the commitment to change. The provider's role here is to reinforce and expand on change talk when it occurs, thus increasing the individual's motivation to change.

Strengthening Commitment to Change

The final stage of the MI process involves bolstering the client's commitment to change.

At this stage, the healthcare provider assists the client in developing a concrete plan for change, including setting achievable goals and strategizing ways to deal with potential challenges or relapses.

This might involve adopting other treatments or interventions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol or opioid addiction. The provider continues to affirm the client's autonomy and capacity for change, thereby enhancing self-efficacy and promoting treatment retention.

Overall, MI aims to facilitate an internal motivation for change rather than imposing change from an external source. Through the processes outlined above, MI helps clients navigate their own journey toward recovery, fostering an empowered and proactive approach to dealing with substance use or other behavioral disorders. The ultimate goal is to help individuals lead healthier lives, aligning their behaviors with their values and aspirations.

Data Collection and Analysis in Motivational Interviewing

Assessing Client Motivation and Readiness for Change

The first step in the data collection process is assessing the client's motivation and readiness to change. Several techniques and tools can be employed to achieve this:

  • Conversation: A direct discussion with the client about their thoughts and feelings regarding change.

  • Stages of Change Model: A psychological model that outlines different stages of behavioral change, such as pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

  • Readiness Ruler: A self-reporting tool where clients rate their readiness to change on a scale from 1 to 10.

Tracking Progress and Outcomes

As the intervention proceeds, it's vital to track the client's progress. A few common strategies include:

  • Follow-up Interviews: Regularly scheduled conversations can help evaluate shifts in a client's attitude, motivation, and behavior.

  • Session Recordings: Audio or video recordings of sessions can provide valuable insights into the evolution of the therapeutic process.

  • Self-Reporting: Clients may be asked to maintain journals or logs of their experiences and challenges, providing a firsthand perspective of their progress.

Using Outcome Measures and Evaluation Tools

Several tools can be used to gather and analyze data more systematically. Some common ones include:

  • Behavioral Measures: These may include changes in drug or alcohol use, adherence to treatment protocols, or other behaviors associated with the client's goals.

  • Psychometric Instruments: Tools like the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) code can help evaluate the quality of MI delivery.

  • Clinical Scales: Standardized scales, such as the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) or the Brief Substance Craving Scale, can be employed to measure specific variables related to addiction or mental health.

Overall, the data collection and analysis process in Motivational Interviewing involves an ongoing assessment of the client's motivation, the tracking of changes over time, and the use of various evaluation tools to measure outcomes. This process helps clinicians adapt their approach to the individual's evolving needs and contributes to the effectiveness of the intervention.

Does Motivational Interviewing Work?

Research Findings and Evidence-Based Support

Research findings show considerable evidence for the effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing (MI) across a range of behavioral problems. These include but are not limited to substance abuse, mental health issues, and healthcare compliance. Some highlights include:

Comparative Analysis with Other Intervention Approaches

When compared to other intervention methods, MI often shines due to its unique approach:

  • Client-Centered: Unlike some traditional therapeutic techniques, MI is client-centered and collaborative. The approach focuses on enhancing the client's internal motivation to change rather than imposing change from an external source.

  • Supports Self-Efficacy: MI techniques support self-efficacy, fostering the client's belief in their ability to change. This principle often sets it apart from other methods.

  • Versatility: MI has been successfully combined with other treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET), to treat substance use disorders and mental health conditions.

Success Stories and Real-Life Case Examples

There are numerous success stories demonstrating the effectiveness of MI:

  • Substance Abuse Recovery: Many clients have reported a significant reduction or complete cessation of substance use after MI interventions. For instance, a patient struggling with alcohol addiction used the principles of MI to recognize the discrepancy between his current behavior and future goals, leading to a successful recovery process.

  • Mental Health Improvement: Clients with mental health issues have used MI to address unhealthy behaviors and embrace treatment, leading to an improved quality of life.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Changes: MI has also been applied successfully in promoting healthier lifestyles, such as smoking cessation and better dietary habits in cases of eating disorders.

Overall, Motivational Interviewing is an evidence-based practice backed by substantial research and real-life success stories. Its effectiveness lies in its client-centered approach and its ability to enhance a person's intrinsic motivation to change. If this sounds like the support you or a loved one need, don't hesitate to reach out.

Call us today at (323) 307-7997 or send us a message from our contact page to schedule your consultation. Let us help you harness your own motivation to embrace positive, lasting change.

Pros and Cons of Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a prevalent method in mental health and addiction treatment. While its client-centered approach is beneficial, it also has potential drawbacks. Let's examine the pros and cons:


  • Client-Centered Approach: MI focuses on empowering the client's sense of autonomy and self-efficacy. It respects the patient's freedom and capacity to change, fostering an empowering environment conducive to personal growth.

  • Versatile Application: MI is versatile and can be used to address a wide range of behavioral issues, including substance abuse, mental health disorders, and other lifestyle-related problems. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recommends MI as an effective approach for treating substance use disorders.

  • Enhances Intrinsic Motivation: A key strength of MI is its ability to enhance intrinsic motivation, helping clients discover their own reasons for change. This increases the likelihood of long-term behavior modification.

  • Supports Other Treatments: MI can complement other treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Family Therapy, and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET), in a treatment plan, offering a comprehensive approach to behavioral change.

  • Brief Intervention: MI can be implemented as a brief intervention, suitable for outpatient treatment settings and situations where time is limited.


  • Requires Skill and Training: MI requires specific skills like reflective listening and the ability to handle client resistance effectively. Without proper training, practitioners may struggle to apply the principles and techniques of MI correctly.

  • Not for Every Client: While MI is generally beneficial, it might not be suitable for every client. Some individuals may need more directive or intensive therapeutic approaches, especially in the case of severe mental illness or drug use.

  • Limited Research in Some Areas: While there's strong evidence for MI's effectiveness in areas like substance abuse treatment and smoking cessation, further research is needed to ascertain its effectiveness in other areas like eating disorders or criminal justice settings.

  • Potential for Client Resistance: MI's emphasis on client autonomy can sometimes lead to heightened resistance if the client is not ready or willing to change. In such cases, practitioners need to be skilled in managing and resolving ambivalence.

While Motivational Interviewing offers many benefits in promoting behavioral change and treatment adherence, it does have potential limitations and may not be the best fit for every client or situation. Proper training for practitioners and an understanding of the client's unique needs are essential for the successful implementation of MI.

Types of Interventions

Motivational Interviewing for Healthcare and Clinical Settings

In healthcare and clinical environments, motivational interviewing (MI) serves as a tool to empower patients in managing chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease.

Here, MI is used to enhance the patient's motivation towards adhering to treatment plans, improving dietary habits, incorporating physical activities into their lifestyle, or even quitting smoking.

This client-centered approach helps to bring about meaningful behavioral changes that contribute to improved health outcomes.

Motivational Interviewing for Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment

In the context of substance abuse and addiction treatment, motivational interviewing is used to elucidate the harmful consequences of substance misuse, helping clients to recognize the negative impact of their drug use or alcohol use disorders.

The principles of MI are employed to enhance intrinsic motivation, enabling individuals to envision a life without dependence on substances and fostering the willingness to engage in addiction treatment programs. MI can be particularly effective in outpatient treatment settings, where maintaining treatment retention is a significant challenge.

Motivational Interviewing for Mental Health and Psychological Interventions

When applied in mental health services, motivational interviewing serves as a catalyst for change in clients coping with mental illness.

It aids in reinforcing treatment adherence, managing symptoms effectively, and instigating positive changes such as developing better-coping mechanisms or improving social relationships.

It is particularly beneficial for clients with dual diagnoses – that is, those dealing with both mental health disorders and substance use disorders. The MI approach can facilitate the resolution of ambivalence, augmenting the client's recovery journey.

Motivational Interviewing for Education and Academic Motivation

Motivational interviewing can also find applications within educational settings. It can help students boost their intrinsic motivation to learn, facilitating improved academic performance.

By employing MI techniques such as open-ended questions and reflective listening, educators can encourage students to explore their own academic aspirations, refine their study habits, and set realistic academic goals, thereby fostering an environment conducive to learning.

Motivational Interviewing for Workplace and Professional Development

In the workplace or professional development context, motivational interviewing can be used to help employees identify their career goals, enhance their performance, and facilitate other positive changes.

Managers or HR professionals trained in MI techniques can use this approach to guide employees toward realizing their full potential, improving job satisfaction, and promoting a healthier work environment.

Implementing Motivational Interviewing: Challenges and Best Practices

Training and Skill Development

Implementing motivational interviewing (MI) is not an easy task and requires dedicated training and skill development. Health professionals must familiarize themselves with the principles of motivational interviewing, including its four key processes: engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning.

Mastering MI techniques, such as reflective listening, developing discrepancy, and eliciting change talk, is essential to encourage clients to express their motivations for change.

Regular practice using these techniques, and receiving feedback via supervision or practice-friendly review, can lead to increased proficiency in MI.

Overcoming Barriers and Challenges in Practice

In real-world settings, practitioners can face numerous challenges when applying motivational interviewing.

For instance, dealing with clients who are ambivalent about change or show strong resistance can be difficult.

Likewise, it can be challenging to maintain the spirit of MI when working in contexts such as the criminal justice system, where there might be legal consequences tied to clients' behavior.

However, with patience, skill, and adherence to the same principles that guide MI, these challenges can be navigated.

Overcoming such barriers often involves reinforcing the client's freedom of choice, supporting self-efficacy, and working to strengthen their internal motivation for change.

Integrating Motivational Interviewing with Existing Frameworks

Motivational interviewing can be effectively combined with existing treatment frameworks to enhance their effectiveness. In substance abuse treatment, for instance, MI can be used alongside cognitive behavioral therapy or family therapy to improve treatment outcomes.

Similarly, in the realm of mental health services, MI can be integrated with other therapeutic approaches to bolster clients' engagement in treatment.

When integrating MI with other interventions, it's vital to maintain the essence of motivational interviewing, ensuring the client's sense of autonomy and ownership of their change process is respected. Further research through clinical trials or systematic reviews can provide more insights into best practices for integrating MI within various treatment contexts.

Evaluating the Impact of Motivational Interviewing

Measuring Effectiveness and Client Outcomes

Assessing the impact of motivational interviewing (MI) often hinges on measuring its effectiveness and client outcomes. This can be achieved through a variety of methods:

  • Substance use and abstinence: For substance abuse treatment, assessing the level of substance use or periods of abstinence can provide a measure of effectiveness. The reduction or cessation of drug use, alcohol use, and misuse of other substances are positive indicators.

  • Treatment retention: The rate at which clients continue their treatment can reflect the effectiveness of MI. High retention rates may suggest that MI is helping clients stay engaged in their recovery process.

  • Change in unhealthy behaviors: Evaluating changes in other unhealthy behaviors, such as poor diet or lack of exercise, can be another way to measure the impact of MI.

  • Client satisfaction: Clients' feedback and their satisfaction with the MI process can also provide important insights into its effectiveness.

Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance

Continuous improvement and quality assurance are crucial components in the application of motivational interviewing. Here's how they can be ensured:

  • Ongoing training and skill development: MI practitioners should continuously improve their skills and knowledge, ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest MI techniques and approaches.

  • Feedback and supervision: Regular supervision and feedback sessions can help practitioners refine their skills, resolve any challenges they're facing, and enhance their MI delivery.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitoring the implementation of MI and evaluating its outcomes can identify areas for improvement and ensure high-quality service delivery. This could involve comparing outcomes with a control group or conducting systematic reviews of the MI practice.

  • Adherence to MI principles: Maintaining adherence to the four processes and principles of motivational interviewing is essential for its effective implementation. This includes fostering the client's sense of autonomy, demonstrating empathy, managing ambivalence, and promoting change talk.

By employing these strategies, professionals can ensure that motivational interviewing is being implemented effectively while continually seeking to improve its impact and client outcomes.

Take Control of Your Recovery with NuView Treatment Center's Motivational Interviewing Techniques

Are you or a loved one grappling with substance abuse, mental health conditions, or an alcohol use disorder? NuView Treatment Center can help. We specialize in addiction treatment using Motivational Interviewing (MI), a powerful approach that can empower you to make positive changes.

At NuView, we understand that taking the first step toward recovery can be daunting. Our empathetic and skilled professionals use the four processes of MI to engage with you, focusing on your strengths, understanding your ambivalence, and helping you develop your own solutions for change. We help you navigate the challenging path of recovery, giving you control over your journey.

Our team is highly skilled in integrating MI into substance abuse treatment and addiction treatment, guiding you to:

  • Address your substance use and alcohol use issues

  • Overcome legal consequences associated with drug abuse and alcohol use

  • Resolve the ambivalence you may feel about changing

  • Understand the discrepancy between your current behavior and your desired goals

At NuView, we're not just interested in temporary solutions; we aim for long-lasting change. We provide outpatient treatment designed to adapt to your individual needs. We believe in your capacity to change, and we support your journey every step of the way.

Let us show you how Motivational Interviewing can make a difference in your life. Contact NuView Treatment Center today to learn more about our MI techniques and how they can help you or your loved one on the path to recovery. Call us today at (323) 307-7997 or send us a message from our contact page to schedule your friendly and personalized consultation. Don't wait – your journey to recovery begins with the decision to reach out.

Summary and Key Takeaways

Recap of Motivational Interviewing Concepts and Techniques

Motivational interviewing is a counseling method that helps people change by building their motivation and confidence. It uses techniques like open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, and more. It can be used in many settings, from healthcare to education, and has been shown to be effective.

In conclusion, motivational interviewing is a powerful tool for helping people make positive changes in their lives. Whether you're a health professional, teacher, or manager, you might find that motivational interviewing can help you support the people you work with in making beneficial and lasting changes.

From helping individuals overcome substance misuse to encouraging better adherence to medical advice, promoting academic motivation, or boosting workplace performance, motivational interviewing offers a unique, person-centered approach that fosters internal motivation and supports self-efficacy.

Its empathetic and collaborative nature empowers individuals to explore their ambivalence, understand the discrepancy between their current behavior and future goals, and move toward making healthy, life-improving changes.

This therapeutic alliance provides the foundation for eliciting change talk, resolving ambivalence, and enhancing motivation - critical processes that encourage individuals to take ownership of their own recovery, whether from substance use disorders, mental health conditions, or other personal challenges.

Although implementing motivational interviewing requires training and skill development, and it can sometimes be challenging in practice, the potential rewards are significant. Evidence shows that it has been successful in a variety of contexts, from controlled clinical trials to real-life settings, often outperforming other active treatments.

Moreover, it's versatile, fitting seamlessly into existing treatment frameworks, and its effectiveness can be tracked, measured, and enhanced through systematic data collection and analysis. This, along with ongoing quality assurance, can ensure continuous improvement of the motivational interviewing process, leading to better client outcomes.

Despite the varying levels of complexity associated with the different principles and techniques of motivational interviewing, it is important to remember the key objective: facilitating and engaging intrinsic motivation within the client in order to change behavior. It's about meeting clients where they are and guiding them to where they want to be, supporting their journey to health, well-being, and self-fulfillment.

The promise of motivational interviewing is in its humanistic approach, viewing each client as a unique individual with the capacity for positive change. It's a reminder that empathy, understanding, and support can truly make a difference, helping individuals overcome obstacles, reach their potential, and lead healthier, happier lives.

Accordion #1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Sources

“Advisory: Using Motivational Interviewing in Substance Use Disorder Treatment.” Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Jan. 2021,

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Keeley RD, Brody DS, Engel M, Burke BL, Nordstrom K, Moralez E, Dickinson LM, Emsermann C. Motivational interviewing improves depression outcome in primary care: A cluster randomized trial. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2016 Nov;84(11):993-1007. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000124. Epub 2016 Sep 5. PMID: 27599229.

Randall CL, McNeil DW. Motivational Interviewing as an Adjunct to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Critical Review of the Literature. Cogn Behav Pract. 2017 Aug;24(3):296-311. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2016.05.003. PMID: 28871216; PMCID: PMC5580948.

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