Daniel Lathrop

Admission/Business Development

Daniel Lathrop was born in Ridgecrest California, where he spent his formative years. He showed an early interest in social justice and equality, which guided his academic and professional pursuits. Lathrop attended the University of California, Davis, where he majored in Gender Studies. His time at UC Davis was marked by active participation in various student organizations and advocacy groups focused on gender equality and social justice.

During his time at UC Davis, Daniel delved deeply into the study of how gender impacts societal structures and individual experiences. He was particularly interested in the intersections of gender with other social categories such as race, class, and sexuality. His academic work often explored themes of gender-based violence, the representation of gender in media, and the impact of gender norms on mental health.

After graduating from UC Davis, Daniel Lathrop pursued a career in finance, where he applied his expertise in gender studies. He worked with various organizations, contributing to projects that aimed to promote gender equality and inclusivity. His work included establishing financial independence for women in abusive relationships, navigating an intersectional approach to how multiple factors affect accessibility to traditional financial institutions, and offering solutions to marginalized communities.

Outside of his professional career, Daniel remained committed to advocating for gender equality. He was involved in numerous community initiatives and nonprofit organizations that focused on supporting marginalized groups and raising awareness about gender issues. His efforts in advocacy were recognized through various community organizations, most notably recognized as the Women’s Center High Desert’s ally of the year due to his unwavering commitment and support to people involved in relationships plagued by domestic violence.

Daniel is known for his active role in 12 Step recovery fellowships, and he continues to be an active voice in the fight for social justice. He enjoys spending time with family and friends, and lives in Culver City, promoting safer neighborhoods and volunteering for outreach programs including End Overdose, a program near and dear to his heart.

Daniel Lathrop's work in gender studies and advocacy has had a lasting impact on his community and the broader field. He is remembered for his dedication to creating a more inclusive and equitable world.

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