Justin Cohen, RADT, RAC

Executive Director

Meet Justin Cohen, a true powerhouse in the realm of recovery and the beating heart of NuView Treatment Center’s compassionate team. With an unyielding dedication to guiding individuals on their path to healing, Justin draws strength from his transformative journey through addiction and mental health struggles.

After a grueling ten-year battle, Justin emerged victorious, embracing the light of sobriety on March 6, 2014. It was this newfound clarity that brought him a profound sense of peace and belonging, propelling him forward in his mission to help others find their way.

In his darkest days, Justin’s journey seemed like a never-ending symphony of challenges. But as he embraced sobriety, a new melody of hope and renewal began to play within him. He discovered the power of rebuilding frayed relationships, finding purpose, and directing his newfound drive toward caring for himself and others.

Fueling his quest for knowledge and understanding, Justin pursued his educational endeavors, obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Temple University. To further hone his expertise in the field, he completed the rigorous 56 Week – Alcohol and Drug Treatment Studies program at CCAPP academy, amassing over 6,000 hours of invaluable work experience in the realm of substance use disorder and mental health.

As the Program Director at NuView Treatment Center, Justin stands as a steadfast beacon of hope, guiding countless individuals toward the shores of recovery. His encounters with compassionate souls who listened and cared paved the way for him to pay it forward, extending the same understanding and empathy to those seeking solace and renewal.
At NuView Treatment Center, Justin’s passion sets hearts alight, illuminating the path toward a life filled with purpose and possibility. His unwavering commitment and genuine compassion make him an indispensable pillar of support for all who seek healing.

“I do what I do because there are certain individuals throughout my journey who made a profound impact on me just by taking time to listen, and I just want to pay it forward…”
Read our other NuView Treatment Center staff profiles or learn more about our Treatment Programs.

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