Self-Help Groups for Addiction Recovery

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Addiction is a complex issue that affectsmillions of people around the world. Whether the addiction is to alcohol, drugs, or other substances, it can be very hard to beat without help.

This is where self-help groups come in.

Self-help support groups for addiction have been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. They offer a safe and supportive environment where individuals can come together and share their experiences, struggles, and successes with others who are going through similar challenges.

In this article, we'll dive deeper into self-help groups for addiction, exploring what they are, how they work, and the benefits they can offer. We'll also take a look at some of the latest research on self-help groups and their effectiveness in supporting recovery from substance use disorders.

Whether you're struggling with addiction yourself or are looking for ways to support a loved one who is, keep reading to learn more about how support groups can help on your road to sobriety.

"},{"title":"What Are Self-Help Groups?","content":"

Self-help groups are peer-led and self-organized groups aiming to support people trying to overcome addiction. Most of the time, these groups are run by people who have undergone addiction treatment and understand the challenges and struggles involved in the process.

They can be facilitated by mental health professionals, but more often, these groups are led by individuals who have experienced addiction and are recovering. These leaders are referred to as peers and can offer a unique perspective and understanding of addiction and recovery.

These support groups differ from professional therapy or individual counseling, but they can be used in conjunction with these services.

These groups offer a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to share their experiences and feelings, receive support and encouragement, and learn from others who have successfully overcome their addictions.

They also encourage group members to share their experiences, providemutual support and advice to others, and participate in group activities that promote sobriety and healthy living.

One of the best things about these groups is that they are typically free of charge and do not require any formal registration or membership. Anyone trying to overcome addiction can join a self-help group and benefit from the support and guidance they offer.

"},{"title":"Self-Help Groups Examples","content":"

There are a lot of different kinds of self-help/mutual support groups that can help with addiction. Below are some of the most well-known self-help addiction support groups:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): AA's primary focus is supporting individuals with alcohol use disorders. This support group follows the 12-step program and focuses on spirituality, personal responsibility, and service to others. Fun fact: AA is the first addiction support group established.
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA): As the name suggests, NA is a support group for people recovering from drug addiction. Similar to AA, NA follows the 12-step program and emphasizes spiritual principles.
  • Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART Recovery): Unlike NA and AA, SMART Recovery focuses less on spirituality and higher power and more on cognition and behavior. They emphasize the importance of self-empowerment and self-reliance, using evidence-based strategies to help individuals get back on their feet and overcome addiction.
  • Celebrate Recovery: Celebrate Recovery is a support group that takes a Christian-based approach to drug addiction. This group emphasizes the role of faith in recovery and encourages members to explore their relationship with God as they go through their journey.
  • Women for Sobriety (WFS): Women for Sobriety is a self-help support group for women with substance use disorder. WFS aims to provide women with the tools and strategies necessary to achieve long-term sobriety. The group emphasizes positive thinking, self-esteem, and personal responsibility. It encourages women to develop a strong sense of self-worth as they work through their drug addictions for a successful recovery.

Choosing the right group can make all the difference in achieving long-term sobriety. While many options are available, it's important to find a group that feels like a good fit and offers the type of support that's most helpful for your needs.

"},{"title":"The Importance of Self-Help Groups for Addiction","content":"

Addiction can be a difficult and isolating experience, but recovery doesn't have to be. Self-help support groups provide a supportive community for individuals in recovery, offering a space where you can connect with others who understand what you're going through.

These groups can be an essential component of a comprehensive addiction treatment program, providing you with the tools and strategies you need to overcome your addiction and achieve long-term sobriety.

These groups offer a unique form of support for individuals with a history of alcohol or drug abuse. A peer support group can be more approachable and relatable compared to groups led by professionals.

Not to say that a support group headed by a licensed counselor is bad, but support group members who share their experiences, strengths, and struggles create a sense of community and connection that can be difficult to find elsewhere.

In addition to emotional support, these groups provide practical strategies and tools for managing addiction, and drug abuse, such as healthier coping skills and relapse prevention techniques.

Research has shown that these groups can be very helpful for people trying to get over an addiction. One study found that going toself-help groups was linked to better outcomes, such as less drug use and better mental health.

Another study found thatparticipation in self-help groups was associated with lower rates of relapse and higher rates of abstinence compared to individuals who did not participate in such groups.

These results show that self-help groups can be an important part of a comprehensive treatment plan for overcoming addiction.

"},{"title":"Benefits of Self-Help Groups & Addiction Support Groups","content":"

Self-help and addictionsupport groups can be incredibly helpful in battling addiction. Here are some of the key benefits of addiction support groups:

  • Social Support

Self-help groups provide a sense of community and belonging, which can be essential in combating the isolation and loneliness that often accompany addiction.

  • Accountability

Members can hold each other accountable for their sobriety goals, providing a powerful motivator to stay committed to recovery.

  • Increased Self-Efficacy

Research shows that people who participate in self-help programs in addition to a regular addiction treatment program improve theirself-efficacy and overall quality of life. The support from these groups and the guidance from treatment providers build a positive self-concept, reinforce social support, and make treatment more continuous.

  • Coping Skills

Self-help groups often provide education and training on coping skills and strategies for managing triggers and cravings. This can be especially helpful in early recovery, when individuals may be more vulnerable to relapse.

  • Reduction in Relapse Rates

People who go to self-help groups also seem to have a lesser chance ofrelapsing. These results show that self-help groups help people with problems, especially with alcohol use disorder and other drugs, to manage better and control their vices.

  • Higher Abstinence Rates

Self-help groups don't just help people feel better about their problems for a short time. Instead, they give more lasting and useful help. In fact, people who participate in these groups tend to exhibithigher rates of abstinence compared to people who don't.

  • Role Models

Seeing other members of the group who have successfully maintained sobriety can provide hope and inspiration for those who are just starting out on their recovery journey.

  • Increased Self-Esteem

Participating in self-help groups can help individuals build a positive self-image and feel more confident in overcoming addiction and maintaining sobriety.

  • Sense of Purpose

Self-help groups often provide opportunities for members to give back to the community or participate in service projects. This can provide a sense of purpose and help individuals build a positive self-image.

  • Reduced Risk Behaviors

People who inject drugs (IDUs) give themselves drugs through their veins. This is dangerous, especially if the conditions aren't clean and the used needles are contaminated with HIV or HCV.

Participants in self-help groups get a better behavioral intervention through education and counseling, which helps them use safer ways toinject drugs and avoid risky behaviors that can lead to HIV or HCV.

  • Enhance Engagement with Treatment Centers

People who take part in self-help groups aremore likely to stick with the right treatments for their addictions. This also applies to post-discharge substance abuse, medical, and mental health interventions, where the involvement of family members of the ill with the groups greatly improved recovery outcomes and their acceptance into treatment programs after leaving facilities.

"},{"title":"How Addiction Self-Help Groups Work","content":"

There is no single standard procedure that dictates how self-help groups should function. After all, they have the freedom to shape their methods as they see fit based on their cause and ideologies. Each program will ultimately differ in how they function, but despite the existence of various models, self-help groups are rooted in a single principle— mutual and unconditional support.

Here are some of the key features that most addiction support groups exhibit or follow:

  • Peer support. These groups are typically facilitated by individuals in recovery themselves rather than by trained professionals. This allows members to support each other from a place of shared experience.
  • Sharing experiences. Members of the groups are encouraged to share their experiences with addiction and recovery and to listen to and learn from the experiences of others in the group.
  • Confidentiality. These groups are typically confidential, and most members remain anonymous. This means that what is shared in the group stays within the group. This allows members to feel safe sharing their experiences without fear of judgment or repercussions.
  • Non-judgmental support. A key component of these support groups is the goal to provide anon-judgmental space where members can support each other without criticism or blame. Members are encouraged to focus on what they have in common rather than their differences.
  • Meetings. Most groups meet regularly, often weekly or bi-weekly, and may be structured around a specific recovery program or approach. For example, some programs may involve group and family therapy, while others may focus on daily living skills such as budgeting and meal planning. In the case of twelve-step meetings, each session is usually structured around each member's belief system.
  • Inclusivity. Groups are often open to anyone struggling with substance abuse problems, regardless of their background, age, gender, religious beliefs, or other factors.
  • Continued support. Many of these groups provide ongoing support to members even after they have completed a program or achieved sobriety.
"},{"title":"What Addiction Self-Help Groups Do Not Do","content":"

While addiction self-help groups can be a valuable source of support and encouragement for individuals in recovery, it is important to remember that they have limitations and may not be able to provide all of the help and resources you may need.

Here are a few things that addiction self-help groups do not do:

  • Provide professional treatment. Addiction self-help groups are not a substitute for professional treatment, such as therapy, medication-assisted treatment, or inpatient rehab. These groups may be a useful complement to professional treatment, but they should not be the sole source of care for individuals in recovery.
  • Offer medical advice. These groups are often not staffed by medical professionals, and this means they are not equipped to offer medical advice or make diagnoses. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health, you should seek guidance from a healthcare provider.
  • Provide financial assistance. While some groups may offer small amounts of financial assistance to members in need, they are not typically set up to provide ongoing financial support. If you need assistance with housing, transportation, or other basic needs, you may need to seek out other resources in your community.
  • Guarantee sobriety. These groups can provide a supportive environment that may encourage you to maintain abstinence, but they cannot guarantee that members will remain sober. Recovery is a complex and ongoing process, and success may depend on a variety of factors, including access to care, social support, and individual motivation.
  • Offer a one-size-fits-all approach. These groups may have a specific approach or philosophy, but they are not necessarily the right fit for everyone. It is essential to explore different groups and find one that resonates with your individual needs and values.

"},{"title":"Get Help Finding Self Help Support Groups","content":"

Peer support groups generally are free, anonymous, and accessible. There also exists a wide variety of them that can cater specifically to what you are going through in life at the moment.

If you are interested in finding an addiction recovery support group, there are a few resources you can use to get started:

Remember that finding the right self-help support group for your needs may take some time and exploration.

Don’t be afraid to try out different recovery support groups or attend multiple meetings before deciding which one is the best fit for you. With the right recovery support groups and resources, you can find the help you need to support your long-term recovery journey.

"},{"title":"Self-Help Groups for Addiction Treatment Programs","content":"

Self-help groups can be an important part of addiction treatment, whether as a complement to professional treatment or as a standalone option for individuals who do not have access to other forms of care.

Here are a few ways that these groups can be incorporated into substance use treatment programs:

  • As part of aftercare planning. After completing a formal treatment program, individuals in recovery may benefit from ongoing support and connection to others who understand their experiences. Peer-led groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, or Narcotics Anonymous can be useful for aftercare planning to help individuals maintain sobriety and build a supportive community.
  • As a complement to professional treatment. Peer-led groups can be a helpful complement to professional treatment, providing additional support and encouragement for people recovering from drug addiction. Some treatment providers may encourage patient interest in these groups and them as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. They may encourage patients to attend meetings and participate in group activities as part of their overall care.
  • As a standalone option. For people who do not have access to professional treatment or who prefer a self-directed approach to recovery, peer support groups can be a valuable standalone option. These groups can provide a sense of community, connection, support, resources, and strategies for maintaining sobriety. As always, do not that these groups cannot substitute professional treatment.

Overall, self-help groups can be a useful part of addiction treatment plans, offering a variety of benefits for individuals in recovery. Whether as part of a comprehensive treatment plan or as a standalone option, these groups can provide important support, encouragement, and resources for maintaining sobriety and building a healthy, fulfilling life in recovery.

"},{"title":"Find Support at NuView Treatment Center","content":"

Addiction can be an isolating disease, but recovery doesn't have to be. We understand that addiction can be challenging to overcome, and we want you to know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

AtNuView Treatment Center, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible treatment to overcome addiction and mental illness.

Our center is fully accredited and recognized as one of Los Angeles' best for substance use disorder treatment. We offer evidence-based and holistic methods to ensure that we provide you with a comprehensive approach to recovery. Our experienced and empathetic staff team will provide customized interventions to suit your unique needs, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.

We understand that recovery is a personal journey with no one-size-fits-all approach. That's why we take a people-centric and compassionate approach to help you with your holistic recovery. Our goal is to help you recover physically, mentally, and emotionally. We are here to support you throughout the entire process, and our constant care and support for sustained recovery are guaranteed.

At NuView Treatment Center, we embody the positive qualities of self-help groups. We are here to be your dependable company on your road to recovery. We promise to provide meticulous and efficient treatment, ensuring you receive the best possible care. With our help, we believe you can achieve a healthier and happier life.

If you or your loved one is struggling with an addiction, don't hesitate to reach out to us today.

"},{"title":"Frequently Asked Questions","content":"

What are Examples of Self-Help Groups?

Examples of self-help groups include Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, SMART Recovery, and Celebrate Recovery. These groups are typically free and allow members to share their experiences with addiction and recovery in a supportive environment.

What are Some Examples of Self-Help Organizations That Can Facilitate the Recovery Process?

In addition to groups like AA and NA, there are many other organizations that can facilitate the recovery process. These include recovery coaching programs, online recovery communities, and faith-based organizations like Celebrate Recovery. Other examples include SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, Women for Sobriety, and Secular Organizations for Sobriety.

What are the Most Common Support Groups For Addicts?

The most common support groups for addicts include Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and Marijuana Anonymous. These groups offer peer support, guidance, and a sense of community for those struggling with addiction.

What Happens in a Self-Help Group?

In a self-help group, members come together to share their experiences, feelings, and struggles. Members offer each other support, encouragement, and guidance. Many groups follow a 12-step model, where members work through the steps to achieve and maintain sobriety.

Are Self-Help Groups Effective?

Research has shown that self-help groups can be effective in promoting recovery and reducing the likelihood of relapse. These groups provide a sense of community, accountability, and support, which can be crucial in the recovery process. However, do note that self-help groups cannot substitute professional treatment and may not be the best option for everyone.


  1. 2 Types of Groups Commonly Used in Substance Abuse Treatment. (2005). In Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy [Internet]. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US).
  2. American Psychological Association. (n.d.-a). APA Dictionary of Psychology. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from
  3. American Psychological Association. (n.d.-b). APA Dictionary of Psychology. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from
  4. Andreas, D., Ja, D. Y., & Wilson, S. (2010). Peers Reach Out Supporting Peers to Embrace Recovery (PROSPER): A Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Recovery Community Services Program. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 28(3), 326–338.
  5. Armitage, E. V., Lyons, H., & Moore, T. L. (2010). Recovery Association Project (RAP), Portland, Oregon. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 28(3), 339–357.
  6. Boisvert, R. A., Martin, L. M., Grosek, M., & Clarie, A. J. (2008). Effectiveness of a peer-support
Dr Ryan Peterson

About the Writer

Dr Ryan Peterson

Addiction Medicine Specialist, NuView Treatment Center

Dr. Ryan Peterson, MD, specializes in Addiction Medicine and Pain Management in Los Angeles, with advanced training from The George Washington University, St. Vincent's Hospital, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, and UCLA Hospital. Currently accepting new patients.

Read More About Dr Ryan Peterson

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